Uffizi Gallery last minute tickets

Did you forget to get your tickets for Uffizi Gallery ahead of time? You will be in Florence in a few weeks and all the days are sold out for the time you are there?

Don’t worry, you are not alone.

Read below our suggestions for getting Uffizi Gallery last minute tickets from other sources than the official website.

Are you ready to book your Uffizi Gallery ticket right now? Don’t feel like reading ahead? Book now your ticket.

How can I buy Uffizi Gallery last minute tickets when it is sold out on the official website?

As you have already noticed on the official website, Uffizi Gallery tickets sell out very fast, and it is almost impossible to get a ticket last minute. Usually, you need to book the tickets in advance, often 2-3 months ahead.

Don’t panic. There are a lot of reseller websites where you can purchase Uffizi Gallery tickets; some may have some tickets still available for your desired date.

You are also in the right place to avoid to check tens of websites: TourScanner aggregates all of them so you can quickly find out which site has still some availability.

If you still don’t find any Uffizi Gallery tickets, then, it’s probably really sold out. The only way to visit the Uffizi Gallery will be to book a guided tour.

Use our search engine and check if there are tickets still available for your desired date, or guided tours.

Uffizi Gallery last minute tickets

How much Uffizi Gallery tickets cost?

Uffizi Gallery tickets price depends on the period of the year.

  • From 1 March 2019 to 31 October 2019, tickets cost 20 €
  • From 1 November 2019 to 28 February 2020, tickets cost 12 €

What will I see during my visit?

The Uffizi Gallery offers to its visitors one of the most important collections of paintings in the world. Besides Italian art, it also includes a large number of foreign works. Discover below the highlights of the Uffizi Gallery.

Birth of Venus – Sandro Botticelli

Birth of Venus – Sandro Botticelli

The Birth of Venus is a oil painting by Sandro Botticelli probably made in 1480 and became one icon of the Italian Renaissance.  It represents the goddess Venus arriving on land, on the island of Cyprus, after her birth, when she had emerged from the sea fully-grow.

Adoration of the Magi – Gentile da Fabriano

Adoration of the Magi - Gentile da Fabriano

The Adoration of the Magi is a painting by the Italian artist Gentile da Fabriano. It portrays the path of the three Magi in several scenes, and continue clockwise, to the larger meeting with the Virgin Mary and the newly born Messiah Jesus, offering their precious gifts.

Annunciation – Leonardo Da Vinci and Andrea del Verrocchio

Annunciation – Leonardo Da Vinci

The Annunciation is a oil painting by the Italian Renaissance artists Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea del Verrocchio, made in 1472–1475. It depicts the angel Gabriel, sent by God to announce to Mary, that she would give birth to a son, to be named Jesus, and to be called “the Son of God” whose reign would never end.

Venus of Urbino – Titian

Venus of Urbino – Titian

The Venus of Urbino is an oil painting by the Italian painter Titian dating from 1532. It represents a nude young woman, traditionally identified with the goddess Venus, laying on a couch of a sumptuous Renaissance palace.

Medusa – Caravaggio

Medusa – Caravaggio

Caravaggio (1571-1610) painted two versions of the Head of Medusa. The second version, displayed at the Ufizzi Gallery, was commissioned as a cerimonial shield by Cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte, to symbolize the courage of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. For its subject matter, Caravaggio drew on the Greek myth of Medusa, a woman with snakes for hair who turned people to stone when looking at them.

Ufizzi Gallery opening dates & hours

The Uffizi Gallery is closed on Mondays, January 1, May 1, December 25

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 8:15 am – 6:50 pm.

Wishing you an excellent visit !! 🙂

Born in Paris, Guillaume Picard has spent years immersing himself in diverse cultures, living everywhere from Asia's hubs like Singapore and Bali, to European destinations such as Portugal and Italy. Now, as the CMO of TourScanner, he's at the helm of a platform that echoes his passion for travel. Guillaume oversees the content, particularly the blog, offering readers firsthand insights and tales from his global escapades.