Are you looking to purchase Last Supper tickets? Is it sold out on the official website?

Don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to find last-minute tickets for the Last Supper in Milan, including everything you need to know about prices, discounts, combo ticket options with other attractions, tricks, tips and more.

How much do Last Supper tickets cost?

Last Supper tickets cost

Last Supper Tickets cost €15 per person. You can only book them online. The on-site ticket office only confirms your reservation, but you can’t buy tickets there.

For EU citizens from 18 to 25 years old, Last Supper Tickets have a discounted price of €2. If you’re under 18, admission is free, but you still need to make a reservation.

You can purchase Last Supper Tickets from the official website, but they sell out fast. In this case, it might still be possible to find Last Supper tickets at the last minute from an online ticket provider.

You can check TourScanner to easily compare all the options for Last Supper tickets and tours, including combined tours with several Milan attractions.

How to get Last Supper Last Minute tickets if they are sold out on the official website?

how to get Last Supper Last Minute tickets

Last Supper tickets sell out fast on the official website, because it’s a popular attraction and only a little over 1,000 people are allowed to visit the painting daily.

That’s why tickets go on sale a month and a half in advance for a 3-month period. For example, tickets for May, June and July go on sale in mid-March, so you can only book Last Supper tickets on the official website about 45 days in advance.

If tickets are sold out, or you want to reserve your spot at least two months in advance, you can book a Last Supper tour, which always includes the ticket cost in the total price.

There often isn’t much of a price difference when you combine your ticket and tour, especially if you bundle it with visits to other attractions in Milan. However, it is still best to book your tour in advance as much as possible to reserve your preferred date and time.

You can use TourScanner to help you sort through the many different options for Last Supper tickets and tours. TourScanner has a convenient search tool that makes it easier to find the tickets and tours that best fit your needs and budget.

Read more about Last Supper tours in Milan

How can you buy only Last Supper tickets without a guided tour?

buy only Last Supper tickets without a guided tour

The official website is the best source to buy Last Supper tickets. However, you need to be fast to find tickets before they sell out. If you can’t find tickets on the official website, you might still find some from another ticket provider.

If you still can’t find Last Supper tickets, your only option is to book a Last Supper tour. This is a useful trick if you can only visit on a specific day and time, but the tickets are already sold out on that date.

Fortunately, many Last Supper Tours are affordable and will cost only slightly more than buying just a Last Supper ticket. You will also have the added benefit of a guide to explain the history behind Leonardo Da Vinci and his most famous wall painting.

Last Supper tour prices vary depending on the availability, season and time of day. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you might be able to find last-minute discounts. Whether you’re booking last minute or in advance, TourScanner can help you compare the best options available.

Are there any discounted or free Last Supper tickets?

Last Supper discounted tickets

Yes! There are discounts and even free Last Supper tickets for those who qualify.

For EU citizens from 18 to 25 years old, Last Supper Tickets have a discounted price of €2.

If you’re under 18, admission is free, but you still need to make a reservation.

Free admission to the Last Supper

  • Under 18 years of age.
  • C.O.M member.
  • Ministry for Arts and Cultures employee.
  • Secondary School Students with a Student Card.
  • European Union teachers and students teaching Architectural Studies, Preservation of Artistic and Cultural Heritage, Arts Faculties and Classical Studies.
  • Pupils of Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Opificio delle Pietre Dure and Scuola per il Restauro del Mosaico.
  • Journalists with a valid document stating their professional activity.
  • European Union disabled people
  • Volunteer in cultural promotion and information activities according to the Ministry.
  • Student Groups from European Union private and public schools, accompanied by their teachers with admission booking and purchase of services. Teachers who won’t purchase these services for this school group will be required to pay a booking fee of 5€.
  • European Union Tourist Guides with a professional license. Tours must be booked through the call center.
  • European Union Tourist Interpreters.

However, if you don’t qualify for discounted or free Last Supper tickets, you can always check on TourScanner for deals and discounts, especially when you bundle tickets and tours to other attractions in Milan.

How do you skip the line?

Last Supper skip the line tickets

The good news is that you don’t have to worry about skipping the line. Last Supper tickets always have a specific time slot, so you will only be allowed to enter on the day and time listed on your ticket.

Be sure to arrive early. The official website suggests arriving at least 30 minutes in advance. Although you won’t have to deal with a long line, they won’t allow you to enter if you arrive late.

Consider booking a Last Supper tour that includes a visit to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, plus other attractions in Milan.

Are there any Last Supper tickets combined with other attractions?

Last Supper combined tickets

Are you looking to make the most of your trip? You can find combined tickets that include other attractions and things to do in Milan besides the Last Supper. Here are a few of the best options.

  • Last Supper tour with Santa Maria delle Grazie church: you can visit the UNESCO-listed Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie and see the Last Supper, plus join a 90-minute tour about Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Renaissance treasures walking tour with Last Supper: on this 2-hour walking tour, you can search for the treasures of the Renaissance hidden throughout the ancient city of Milan.
  • Historical tour of Milan with Last Supper tickets: you can spend the whole day exploring Milan if you combine your visit to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie with the medieval Sforza Castle and the gothic Duomo Cathedral.

There are plenty of choices to combine stops at other attractions with a Last Supper ticket or tour. TourScanner compiles them all to help you easily find the tour that best meets your needs and interests.

How to get to the Last Supper?

how to get to the Last Supper

The painting of the Last Supper is located in the Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in the city center of Milan.

Luckily, you can easily get to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie by foot or on public transport.

By foot

From the Duomo Cathedral, you only need to walk about 20 minutes west on Corso Magenta Street to reach the Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie.

From Sforza Castle, you only need to walk about 10 minutes southwest on Via Caradosso to reach the Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie.

By metro

Take the MM1 Red Line to the stop Conciliazione or the MM2 Green Line to the stop Cadorna, where you will see directions for the “Cenacolo Vinciano.”

From there, follow Corso Magenta Street and head to the Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie.

By train

If you arrive to Milan by train, you can take the metro MM2 Green Line from Central Station (Stazione Centrale) to the stop Cadorna. Then, you have a 10-minute walk to the Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie.

What are the Last Supper opening hours?

Last Supper opening hours

The Last Supper is open Tuesday to Sunday from 8:15 AM to 7:00 PM.

You can only visit the Last Supper Museum during the time reserved on your ticket. Make sure to get there at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time of your visit. If you’re late, you won’t be allowed to enter.

Please note that you need a ticket to see the Last Supper and enter the Last Supper Museum, but you can enter the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie for free.

What will you see at the Last Supper in Milan?

what will you see at the Last Supper in Milan

During your Last Supper tour, an expert local guide will help you appreciate the painting by sharing anecdotes and historical context to add depth to your experience as you stand in front of it.

After your Last Supper tour, you will understand why Leonardo Da Vinci’s Italian Renaissance masterpiece still stands the test of time and remains one of the most famous paintings in the world.

Located inside the Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie, the painting depicts the moment right after Jesus declares to his twelve apostles that one of them will betray him before sunrise.

Pay attention to the reaction on the face of each apostle reacting to the news. The guide will explain in more detail how The Last Supper is a masterful psychological study and one of the world’s most iconic images.

This moment also depicts the birth of the Eucharist, with Jesus reaching for bread and a glass of wine — the key symbols of the Christian sacrament, and an important ritual still performed to this day.

The passage of time has damaged the painting, and it remains in a fragile condition, despite 22 years of restoration, which was finally completed in 1999.

What is the history behind the Last Supper?

Last Supper history

Commissioned by the Duke of Milan (and also Leonardo’s patron) Ludovico Sforza, Leonardo began working on the Last Supper painting in 1495 and, as was his manner, worked slowly with long pauses between sessions, until he finished it in 1498.

The Last Supper depicts Jesus’s final meal with his twelve apostles before he was captured and crucified. More precisely, the painting depicts the few seconds after Christ drops the bombshell that one of his disciples would betray him before sunrise. This is why the apostles have looks of anger, horror and shock on their faces.

The scene of the Last Supper is actually not a frozen moment in time but rather a composition of successive moments. Consider this while you’re standing in front of the painting and trying to decipher its meaning.

You can find key details on the faces of each disciple, who react differently according to da Vinci’s interpretation of that man’s personality. This results in a complex study of human emotions, rendered in a deceptively simple composition, as da Vinci also accomplished on a single face with his other famous work — the Mona Lisa.

The Last Supper also depicts the birth of the Eucharist, with Jesus reaching for bread and a glass of wine, which will become key symbols of the Christian sacrament — an important ritual still performed today.

In a way, the Last Supper is a failed experiment in painting techniques. Da Vinci decided against painting a fresco, which was the most common technique during the Renaissance for wall paintings.

With a fresco, the painter has a limited time to complete their work. However, da Vinci wanted more time to achieve a grander luminosity and include more intricate details, which he had planned and sketched in countless notebooks.

The final work was indisputably a masterpiece. However, there was one major weakness in his technique — the painting wasn’t very durable. Due to deterioration from environmental factors, the Last Supper has required a few restorations throughout the years.

Saying that the Last Supper has gone through a few restorations is a polite understatement. In actuality, the painting has gone through many. Every few decades, the work has received a facelift in one form or another.

The most recent, extensive and controversial restoration work took 20 years and over 38,000 hours to finally complete in 1999. Scientists and artists painstakingly identified and removed layers of paint that had been added over the centuries to reveal and preserve da Vinci’s original work.

Nowadays, Milan’s most famous mural has become one of the most visited attractions in the city. The Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie is open to the public and can be visited year-round.

Before your own final meal in Milan, make sure to visit the Last Supper and stand face-to-face with this Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece.

Useful tips

Last Supper travel tips

  • You won’t have much time. You will only be able to stand in front of the Last Supper painting for 15 minutes, so be prepared to make the most of this brief and special moment.
  • Take photos. Photos are allowed, just make sure not to use flash.
  • Videos are forbidden. If you take enough photos, you could create an animation, but please don’t record any Tik Tok dance routines in front of the Last Supper.
  • Arrive early. If you’re late, you won’t be allowed to enter. To avoid such a disappointment, plan to arrive at least 30 minutes early.
  • The Milan Pass does not include entry to the Last Supper.
  • Travel by public transport. If you’re wondering how to get to Santa Maria delle Grazie there are trams (18 and 24) that stop at Corso Magenta – Santa Maria delle Grazie. Also, MM1 metro stops at Conciliazone and Cadorna will drop you off within walking distance. You can also take the MM2 line to Cadorna.

Hopefully, this guide has answered all your questions about finding Last Supper tickets at the last minute. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding Last Supper tickets and tours. Enjoy your stay in Milan!

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Last Supper Milan Tickets Last Minute

Born in Paris, Guillaume Picard has spent years immersing himself in diverse cultures, living everywhere from Asia's hubs like Singapore and Bali, to European destinations such as Portugal and Italy. Now, as the CMO of TourScanner, he's at the helm of a platform that echoes his passion for travel. Guillaume oversees the content, particularly the blog, offering readers firsthand insights and tales from his global escapades.